The blog train blog is simply what it states, a blog for blog trains.  Designers participate in the blog train and contribute mini kits or alphas for free on their blogs.  Sometimes their colors are not cute (like January) but the March colors are perfect for Easter photos.  I don't like all of the designers that participate so I usually watch the slideshow and write down which kits I liked.  Then I will go to only those sites to download. Find the blog here.  Also, thanks for all of the compliments on my last kit!  I'm excited to start another.  I think it will be spring themed.
Finally something that the boys can use too!  I only have a girl so I usually create girly things, but most of my friends that scrapbook have boys.  This is for y'all.  All of the animals were hand-drawn by me. So, no making fun of my horse!  I am completely aware of my inability to draw a horse to save my life. Sorry to all of the horse lovers out there.  I hope you enjoy the kit. I may think of doing a coordinating alpha later. If you download, please leave a comment.  Feel free to direct your friends to the link as well! Find the links to the download on the my freebies tab.
Here's a two page spread that I did with the kit.  I hate it when I have to scrapbook a page with lots of photos and lots of text.  It is hard to make it not look too busy.
Welcome to Elle Designs! People were probably getting sick of me posting scrapbooking stuff on my family blog, so I decided to create a separate blog for everything scrapbooking.  Well, everything free scrapbooking. I wanted somewhere to post what I make and find because it is such a waste for them to be limited to just me.  I also want to encourage others to start preserving family memories.  Paper scrapbooking turns some people away because it is very time consuming, expensive, and messy. But digital scrapbooking can be the complete opposite of all of those things. Most of all, it's fun and you can teach yourself! 

Lastly, despite what the title says, this is not a design site. I am not trying to promote a brand so that I can sell digital scrapbooking supplies.  My goal is to share and encourage for free.

Here are some disclaimers about the site and my products:
1) I am self-taught- I have never taken any graphic design classes. Someday I hope to, but for now I am self-taught.  That means I will try to make the highest quality products that I can, but if you zoom in real close on an element and it starts to look pixelated or the color is not quite right on a paper, sorry, I'm learning. But hey, it's free.
2) I'm doing this only for fun- It takes a lot of work to try and sell stuff and promote a brand plus come up with great ideas for products each week and make them.  I will not be posting every day. This is not the place to get full size kits with everything that is usually included. Right now I have no idea how to make ribbons or extract elements.  You will have to supplement with other kits.  I can doodle, so that's what you'll get for now. Again, it's free. 

I want to help you get started, so if you have any questions or requests for tutorials or products, leave a comment below, or email me at [email protected].

Tour the site by clicking below or on the tabs above.
News: The latest updates
About Elle Designs: Information about the site and how to contact me as well as my terms of use
Getting Started: Advice on how to get started with digital scrapbooking
My Freebies: Links to download my freebies
Other Freebies: Links to where you can find other good freebies
Tutorials: Information about how to get started and tutorials on various scrapbooking tricks
Gallery: Layouts for inspiration and where you can post layouts as well

    about elle designs.

    I'm not really a designer, just a digital scrapbooker who wants to encourage others to scrapbook by sharing my  finds and creations.  For free.

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